SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities Support of Arts and Heritage Public access to buildings Provide public access to buildings and/or monuments or natural heritage landscapes of cultural significance With free access to all significant buildings Public access to libraries Provide public access to libraries including books and publications University Library and Information Services Public Access to Green Spaces Permanent Free Access to All Campus Grounds Arts and Heritage Contribution Record and Preserve Cultural Heritage Expenditure on Arts and Heritage Arts and Heritage Expenditure University Expenditure on Arts and Heritage - Procurement of Cultural Uniforms - Procurement of Cultural Arts Musical Instruments Sustainable Practices Sustainable practices targets Measure and set targets for more sustainable commuting (walking, cycling or other non-motorized transport, vanpools, carpools, shuttlebus or public transportation, motorcycle, scooter or moped, or electric vehicles) Promote sustainable commuting Undertake actions to promote more sustainable commuting Allow remote working Affordable housing for employees Evaluate affordable housing Provide housing Affordable housing for students Provide housing Pedestrian priority on campus Local authority collaboration regarding planning and development Planning development - new build standards Building on brownfield sites