Formerly a department under the College of Agriculture, Engineering and Forestry,  Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering was first offered in 1977 as approved by the MSAC Board of Trustees , under the Resolution No. 19, s.1977. In 1985, the College of Engineering and Applied Technology (CEAT) was established in response to the growing demand for competent professional Agricultural Engineers to cater to the needs of agriculture and industry in the region in particular, and the country, in general.  It has now three departments: Department of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Engineering Sciences, and Department of Applied Technology.
     The College had undergone the AACUP Preliminary Survey in December 1996, and on January 7, 1997 the certificate for level I status was awarded.  The certificate for level II status was awarded to the college on February 29, 2000, and the Certificate for Level III  Re-accredited Status, on January 1, 2015.

Provide professional and technical training in engineering and mechanic arts and promote    research, extension and production, in these areas in consonance with the general objectives of the university.

1. Teach the students the rudiments of agriculture and basic engineering sciences so that they could competently identify and solve problems in agriculture and industry;
2. Instill in the students a sense of awareness of the need for the agro-industrial development through the application of engineering principles and a desire to contribute towards fulfilling such needs;
3. Provide service courses in engineering and related fields in support of the overall     program of the University;
4. Develop the students’ personal traits such as leadership potential, civic and environmental consciousness, work appreciation, creativity and character so that when they graduate, they will be assets to the country; and,
5. Lend support to the University in fulfilling  its four-fold functions of instruction, research, extension and production.

College of Engineering and Applied Technology
Benguet State University
La Trinidad, Benguet
2601 Philippines
Email: dean.ceat@@bsu.edu.ph