Higher Education Regional Research Center (HERRC)

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in its advocacy to enhance the research capacity and productivity of Philippine higher education institutions on order to contribute towards advancing the country's development and global competitiveness, through its Res. No. 316-2011 has approved and decided to adopt a differentiated and joint approach to research promotion. This involved transforming and dividing the Zonal Research Centers into two groups: one group of national research centers clustered into a Philippine Higher Education Research Network (PHERNet), and another group of regional centers to be called Higher Education Regional Research Centers (HERRCs).

Benguet State University (BSU) through the Commission en banc (CEB) was identifiedas one of the Higher Education Regional Research Centers and leading SUC for Cordillera Administrative Region (CEB Resolution No. 010 series of 2012). Accompanying this recognition is CHED's commitment for support in research funding in tandem with BSU's commitment to perform high impact researches of international standard.

BSU-HERRC envisions to improve the RDE capabilities, enhance RDE productivity, generate innovations, and promote and utilize RDE outputs and innovations (CMO No. 3 s. 2015)

To lead in the development  of strong research culture and an innovation ecosystem that enables researchers to explore new frontiers that may lead to a new technological innovations and better ways to solve economic and social issues in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders

To spearhead planning, proposal packaging, coordination implementation and the transmission, dissemination an extension of innovations; participation in the global scientific discourse; developing a new generation of catalysts of scientific, Technological, social, economic an creative innovations (CMO no. 3 s. 2015)

    a. Improve capabilities of faculty to carry out research;
     b. Increase research productivity, quality, and impact;
     c. Establish/enhance linkages with the community, business and industry stakeholders;
     d. Promote and use products of research as inputs to policy initiatives an reforms; and
     e. Buil-up a steady pipeline of young talented researchers who carry on the taks of unleashing innovations.

Research and Development
Program Title: R and D Program Towards Environmental Sustainability of the Cordillera Highlands Amidst Changing Climate
     Project 1. Development of Soil Fertility Management Decision Tool for Improving Yield of Cabbage amidst Changing Climate in Benguet- Carlito P. Laurean 
     Project 2. Evaluation, Selection and Seed Production of Selected VELERO (Vegetable, Legume and Root Crops) Germplasm for Drought, Waterlogging and Low Temperature Resistance
                     for Climate Change Adaptation in the Cordillera Highlands-Belinda A. Tad-awan
     Project 3. Characterization of Organically-Grown Arabica Coffee and Identification/Assessment of Arabica Coffee Diseases in Mountain Province- Valentio L. Macanes
     Project 4. Production, Promotion and Processing of Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato in Vitamin A Deficiency Risk Areas of the Cordillera Administrative Region- Ines C. Gonzales
     Project 5. Evaluation of Agricultural Waste Products as Substrate for the Mass Production of Trichoderma Isolates- Asuncion L. Nagpala
     Project 6. Characterization and Identification of Edible Mycorrizal Mushrooms at Pinetree- based Areas in the Cordillera Administrative Region- Bernard S. Tad-awan
     Project 7. Enhancement of Anti-Sera Production Protocol and Amplification of Anti-Sera for Potato, Sweetpotato and Strawberry Viruses- Jocelyn C. Perez
     Project 8. Utilization of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for Benguet State University (BSU) Knowledge Products towards Knowledge Sharing Support for Climate Change
                     Initiatives- Maria Luz D. Fang-asan
     Project 9. Survey of a Community Farm in Atok, Benguet: Environment and Health Perceptions and Potentials for Remediation- Romeo A. Gomez Jr.
     Project 10. Gender Based Responses to Organic Agriculture: Decision Making, Discourse and Engagements in Organic Farming in Selected Communities in Benguet- Ruth S. Batani

Technical Services
■ Thesis consultation/queries on research results 
■ Research registration and implementation
■ Consultation on research partnerships