Research & Extension

Research and extension have always been considered as inherent functions of the Benguet State University even when it operated only as a farm school in the 1920's. Back then, students were inculcated with the love of scientific inquiry and ingrained with the commitment to serve their communities well, not being only excellent examples of what a successful farmer should be; but also by persisting in carrying out genuine agricultural development in the countryside.

Presently, the OVPRE supervises the activities of the Office of the Research Services, the Office of Extension Services, and the different Research Centers/Institutes. In addition, the OVPRE coordinates with the Highland Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium (HARRDEC), which is based at BSU. 
      A dynamic sector in the University promoting sustainable technologies of international standards to empower communities
      To lead strong and excellent research and extension culture through knowledge creation and dissemination
     To generate and utilize knowledge and technologies in order to enrich/enhance the academic programs and income generating projects of the University and sustain and empower communities
a. Generate, develop and verify technologies responsive to the needs of the clients;
b. Disseminate, incubate and commercialize mature and appropriate technologies developed;
c. Protect, manage and commercialize generated intellectual properties;
d. Publish R and E outputs in refereed/indexed journals;
e. Conduct relevant and timely trainings and outreach activities in the communities;
f. Expand and strengthen local and international linkages/partnerships;
g. Promote professional growth and strengthen the capabilities of R and E personnel and students;
h. Upgrade facilities;
i. Enhance RDE governance through updating of R and E policies;
j. Generate revenues from research outputs and extension activities to augment RDE funds.