Student Wellness Services - Activities

Guidance and Counseling Unit

August 6, 2018
Gabay Sa Bagong Bahay 2018 - An Annual Orientation Activity for freshmen and new college students to familiarize them with the utmost salient services and policies of the university to ensure smooth transition and adjusment in the University.

October 12, 15, 17 and November 13, 2018
Psychological Testing and Psychosocial Activity  - Extension Activity to San Jose High School. This activity assisted the Grade 10 students come up with major career decision in which track to take in the Senior High.

November 15, 2018
College of Agriculture -Career Orientation and Student Congress. This activity provided adquate information to senior high scvhol students on the different courses under the College of Agriculture and empower students through the personal experiences and insight of the speakers/facilitators who are in the field of Agriculture.

February 8, 2019 and March 15, 2019
Lecture Caravan in Self-love. Theme:"Addressing Millenial Issues: Refocusing on Self-Worth". -This activity is an information campaign on the topic Understanding Adolescent Sexuality vis-à-vis Mental Health and Gender-based Violence

March 25, 26, & 29, 2019; April 8, 10-12, 15 and 25, 2019 and May 6-10 and 16, 20, 21, 2019
TuTUk2: Boom!!! Nakasaganakan?? Labor Education for Graduating Students (LEGS 1) Caravan -  This activity assisted the graduating students on how to prepare their resume, practice confidently in answering basic/common job interview questions and gained more confidence in looking for a job.

Testing and Matetrials Development Unit

November 13, 2018
Personality Test and Psychosocial Seminar on Interpersonal Relationships


November 15, 2018
Administration of battery of psychological test for Career Guidance to Grade 10 students of HOPE Christian Academy


Students With Special Needs and PWDisability Unit

April 30, 2018
Focused Group Discussion (FGD) - The activity focused on the everyday challenges of the dual responsibilities of the Student Mothers. The "Danggayan" support group was established.

October 29, 2018
Testimony of a successful student mother - The speaker shared her experiences and challenges she went through while she was finishing her studies which inspired the student mothers.

November 18, 2018
Administration of Self-awareness Psychological Test to Student Mothers - The test was focused on their goals, needs, weaknesses, motivations, talents/special skills and their strengths

December 5 & 8, 2018
Semester-end gathering - The student mothers shared their experiences during the semester.

January 30, 2019
Launching of the "Danggayan Store" of the student mothers.

April 30, 2019
Semester-end gathering - The student mothers shared their experiences during the semester.

August 22, 2019
Life Skills Activity Seminar: Seminar on Time Management and Goal Setting and Entrepreneurial Activity: hanap-buhay

Vocational and Placement Unit

June 10 & 11, 2019
Conducted Labor Education for Graduating Students Phase II


September 7 and October 15, 2018
Student Assistants deployment to different academic and non-academic offices in the University for a part-time employment. Selection of students is by qualifications and alignment of career goals.


September 18, 2018
Student Orientation and Informatiion on Work Ethics

September 2, Oct. 1, Nov. 3, 2018
Posting of Job vacancies and job coaching

January 24, 2019
Student Assistants deployment to different academic and non-academic offices in the University for a part-time employment. Selection of students is by qualifications and alignment of career goals.


January 31,  Feb 2, March 2, April 2, May 3, June 3,  and July 3 2019
Posting of Job vacancies and job coaching

January 25,  and Feb. 22, 2019
Student Orientation and Informatiion on Work Ethics

April 22, 2019
SPES application- orientation on the skills and other qualifications needed to be accepted to work in a short-tem, full-term basis.

Ladies' Dormitory

October 26, 2018
Board Games and Tutorial lessons and search for the cleanest room

November 8, 2018
Search for the cleanest room

November 17, 2018
Team Building Activities

November 17, 2018
Clean up drive

April 3,8, &10, 2019
Caring for Yourself and Others (Phase 1 & 2)

April 13, 2019
Fire Prevention Seminar

October 24, 2019
Seminar on Dengue

October 26, 2019
Seminar-Workshop on Mental Health: Cultivating a Growth Mindset (series)

November 9, 16 and Dec. 14, 2019
Peer Facilitators Seminar-Training


Feb. 9, March 23 & Nov. 19, 2018
Clean-up Drive and Solid Work – BSU Campus

Feb. 11, March 22, April 5, & October 16, 2019
Search for Cleanest Bedroom and Best Cleaners

Men's Dormitory

September 10, 2018
Seminar on Study Habits

October 13, 2018
Mendoro and LadoraAcquaintance Party

November 9 & 10, 2018
Solid Work

April 13 &14, 2019